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Baterijsko pojačalo za gitaru


Ako se kakvo društvo okupi na nekoj fešti uz poneku gitaru, harmoniku i ostale instrumente a tamo nema struje, evo izlaza.
Često se razne fešte odvijaju u prirodi, u vinogradima i vikendicama u kojima često nema struje.
Ukoliko imamo ozvučenu ili električnu gitaru, dobro bi došlo i malo priručno pojačalo od cca 5 W.
To MOSfet pojačalo sa napajanjem iz akumulatora ili običnih baterija dat će dovoljnu snagu za gitaru i mikrofon.
Potrošnja mu je samo nekoliko mA, pa će sa baterijama izdržati i par sati rada a akumulator ga neće ni osjetiti.
Tekstualno je objašnjeno na engleskom, ali postoje kompletne sheme spojeva, nacrt tiskane pločice a cijelo pojačalo stane u kutiju 100 x 50 x 50 mm.
Evo tekstualnog dijela:

Battery driven Pre- and Poweramp (1991/92)


  • Preamp designed for MC cartridges (Denon® DL103, EMT® TSD15, etc.)
  • Each amp driven by it's own pair of 12V/6AH sealed lead type of accumulator
  • Shunt-voltage-regulator to produce 11.5V for preamp and voltage amplifier section of poweramp
  • Power amplifier produces 4~5Watt @ 8 Ohm (comparable to single ended 2A3 or WE300B tube power amplifiers)
  • High efficiency speakers required (Lowther, Goodmans, Triangle, Roiene, etc. are highly recommended)
  • Charger circuit included

This design clearly reveals the advantages of battery driven amplifier circuits. Even they do not use sophisticated parts they do provide great sound due to the nature of the power supply. I am aware that most people are not using one of the speakers mentioned above. But in general these amplifiers are showing how far you can go with a simple circuit design combined with high efficiency speakers.

The original Hitachi® MOSFETs 2SK135/2SJ50 I have used are hard to find now. But there are a few good replacements some even using the original specifications.
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